Tuesday, May 30, 2006

From the Inside Out

This summer has already found its needs in this ever-changing, ever-expanding, never-ending ministry with college students. Each Tuesday morning for the past three weeks I have had two-hour counseling sessions with one of our faithful, Christian students. She has been dragging along quite a bit of baggage since childhood, and is tired of it. It's amazing how the Holy Spirit speaks to her distinctly and specifically each week -- and each week I see a peacefulness emerging, even despite the "ooze" that's still coming out of her deep, deep wounds.

Several of these girls have no fathers that they can respect or trust -- Jeff has given them hope that there are some men that can be trusted. Our solid, consistent, God-honoring lives speak very loudly to these students - more that we can ever imagine. It is devastatingly painful to realize how little trust there is in most of these students because of things lacking in their growing up years. It is important that we stay straight, honest, and trustworthy. For some of them, it's all they have right now.

In two days we will open our home to a Bible study/fellowship/hang time for college kids from all over the city. (We'll do this every Thursday for eight weeks straight) It has been amazing the response we have already gotten. Just because many of the students are not in school during the summer, doesn't mean that needs have stopped for the Word of God, for positive fellowship, for searching for answers, for a place to bring their unsaved friends, for a connection and place to belong.

Forward. is the name that we're giving this Bible study/hang time for the summer. It is our desire to help these students to go forward in their lives - no matter where they might be spiritually. We are excited about several of the unsaved students that we know some of our Christian students are inviting to these studies.