Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Revelation at the Food Court

Sitting in one of the university's main food court areas twice a week promotes recognition for our Christian organization and also allows opportunities to catch students "unaware" as they walk down the stairs to grab a bite to eat in between classes. The table is strategically placed in plain view and it's amusing to watch the students as they look (but don't look) at our table, most of them not making eye contact with us. But every once in a while there will be a student that just HAS to come over.

A couple of weeks ago, a Muslim student came and plopped down in an empty chair right beside Jeff. There he stayed for an hour and a half, asking questions, debating, probing into the Christian world while staying safely on the side of Islam. Glancing down at his watch after that hour and a half of intense conversation, he realized he was going to be late for a class, and dashed off without leaving Jeff any information on how to contact him. On purpose? Maybe. Since then Jeff has looked for him, praying that this newfound Muslim friend will come back for yet another conversation.

Two interesting tidbits that Jeff picked up on in this conversation: 1) This Muslim student does not like to be associated with Osama or Sadam or the rest of what we would term as "militant" Muslims. He kept saying that they were not really Muslims. However, the second point he made voided the validity of the first one. 2) This student also cited that we (meaning the Muslims and Christians) would all fight the Jews at the battle of Armageddon in the future. He said, "You know, we're all in this for the same reason. We will all see the end of the Jews at the battle of Armageddon."

These two statements put a very interesting light on progressive Islam and its identifications and objectives. While I do not have time to make further elaboration on these statements at this point, it would do us good to realize the commitment to the well-laid out plans instilled in this religion. If they (or at least a part of them) are being taught that the ultimate battle to end all evil on the earth is NOT really the annihilation of Christians, but to see that the Jews are completely destroyed from the face of the earth, the book of Revelation has just become High Definition, has it not? While the present attacks on Christians (and anyone else that defies Islam) seems to be the ulterior motive, it may be prudent to consider the deeper intentions.

Thoughts for another blog certainly.

Sorry it has been so long since I have written, but there are have been some huge issues inserted in our lives in the past three weeks. God has been gracious and His mercies endure forever!!

Keep us in your prayers....